Each choc is RM3.90...kecik jer...tak sampai 3 kali kunyah dah melt..huhu..
Perhatikan sifat menggoda yang ada pada choc ini. Saya blur sebab tatau nak makan yang mana satu so the effect was blur too...forgive me..
Dalam cute goodies ni ada choc chip cookies. Saya buat untuk Kak Su dan Kak Yah masa event Jemari Seni di A&W Taman Jaya...
Ok, Im most of the time chocholate lover...never go out without choc in my handbag...walau kecil, hanya sekeping cadburry purple, ia akan sentiasa bersama saya. I actually..don't have a specific reason why I really love chocholate.
Maybe because of their content which is make me happy and energetic after ate some choc. Maybe because of their myth that choc can make us more sensual or else, I don't care and I don't want to know.
All im concern is chocholate sangat sedap!! More bitter is more better...Last month, I talked to choc experties from Aussie and got a few tips from him...one of the tips is if u crack the choc and it's just only a bit cracker in your hand, that was a very good Q choc..well, he's right because once I have a Theobrama in my mouth, I may say bubuy to others...hehe..mana boleh beb! Semua coklat yang halal saya terima..lagi pun, have to think twice if I wanna buy Theobrama bcoz its so expensive compared to other brands...